Dear Collierville Elementary Parents/Guardians,
Our teachers and students have been working diligently all year towards mastery of grade level standards. In preparation for the upcoming Spring TCAP testing, we want to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the testing dates. Testing for the 2024-2025 TCAP will begin immediately following arrival in the morning, and the dates are as follows:
Week 1
• Monday, April 14 2nd-5th Grade ELA Subpart 1
• Tuesday, April 15 2nd Grade ELA Subpart 2
3rd-5th Grade ELA Subparts 2 & 3
• Wednesday, April 16 2nd Grade ELA Subpart 3
3rd-5th Grade ELA Subpart 4
• Thursday, April 17 2nd-5th Grade *Make-up Day*
• Friday, April 18 NO SCHOOL
Week 2
• Monday, April 21 2nd-5th Grade Math Subpart 1
• Tuesday, April 22 2nd Grade Math Subpart 2
3rd-5th Grade Math Subparts 2 & 3
• Wednesday, April 23 2nd Grade *Make-up Day*
3rd-4th Grade Science
5th Grade Science Subparts 1 & 2
• Thursday, April 24 2nd-5th Grade *Make-up Day*
• Friday, April 25 2nd-5th Grade *Make-up Day*
Collierville Schools chooses to provide the requested time amount to every student for every part of their TCAP tests. Students do not have to request the time. The additional minutes are included into the timing of each part of the test.
*According to Public Chapter 978 passed by the Tennessee 112th General Assembly, if requested, a test administrator (TA) may allow a student an additional optional time period (specified by the Tennessee Department of Education) to allow students more time to finish the assessments. Additional optional requested time allowed by PC978 does not supersede accommodations outlined in an IEP or 504. Therefore, the optional requested time should not take the place of extra time accommodations outlined in a student's individual educational plan (IEP), individual learning plan (ILP), and/or Section 504 plan.
Thank you for your continued support.
CES Administration