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Car Rider Procedures

Our car rider plan involves cars staging in rows in the football field parking lot. That parking lot has been re-striped and cars will line up in rows separated by bold yellow lines. We understand that not every car in the car rider line will be staged in this lot, but our goal is to pull as many cars out of the neighborhood as possible. 

General Car Riders

  • While cars will continue to enter by driving west on Burrows, they will now enter at the first (east) entrance to the football field instead of the second (west) entrance.
  • Upon arrival in the morning and afternoon, cars will fill in starting with row 1 (the closest row to CES) and stop when they reach the end of the bold yellow lines. When one row fills up, cars will file into the next row. There are 10 rows available for staging with approximately 10 cars in each line. 
  • At 8:40 a.m. each morning and 4:00 p.m. each afternoon, the rows will be released by a CES staff member into the loop by the new gym where parents will drop off/pick up their child(ren). For the safety of all students, staff, and families, please do not proceed out of your row until you have been released by a CES staff member.
  • Cars will exit as normal.
  • View the CES Car Ride Plan image below for a visual of the new plan.

Y Care Car Riders

  • Enter and exit through the west entrance on Burrows to drop off your child(ren) like normal.

Pre-K Dismissal Only

  • Enter and exit through the west entrance on Burrows (closest to CES) and park where you normally park to pick up your child(ren). We ask that Pre-K cars fill in the north parking lot more tightly to ensure ample space for our staged cars. Pre-K students will still walk down the bus line to be picked up.
  • View the Pre-K Dismissal image below. 

Car Rider Procedure

Pre-K Dismissal Only

CES Pre-K car map.