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Homework Guidelines

Collierville Elementary Homework Guidelines

We believe that the guidelines below will best serve our Little Dragons:
The Purpose of Homework in Elementary School

  • Strengthen the home-school connections;
  • Communicate to students that learning takes place at home as well as at school
  • Increase fluency with basic skills such as reading and mathematics;
  • Build independent study habits and organizational skills (in the upper grades, especially).

Grade – Level Guidelines

  • Kindergarten– A weekly reading folder will be sent home and the student will work at his or her own pace.
    • Read for fun with your student for 5-10 minutes each night.
  • Grades 1-5– Homework for Language Arts and Math will be sent home on Monday and returned to school by Friday.
    • Grades 1-2: Read for fun 5-10 minutes each night.
    • Grades 3-4: Read for fun 15-20 minutes each night.
    • Grade 5: Read for fun 20-30 minutes each night.

Student Responsibilities

  • Understand all homework assignments by listening to directions, asking questions when something is unclear, and reading directions;
  • Gather all materials necessary to complete assignments before leaving the classroom;
  • Complete all assignments to the best of his/her ability, promptly and legibly;
  • Return materials and assignments on time;
  • Make up any missed homework based on what is required by your teacher.

Family Responsibilities

  • Stay abreast of the student’s homework assignments by reviewing class websites, discussing with student and teacher;
  • Provide a routine and environment that is conducive to doing homework (i.e. a quiet and consistent place ad time, necessary materials, etc.);
  • Support and encourage the student to do his or her best work, offering assistance when needed while still supporting independent completion of the assignment;
  • Communicate homework concerns with the teacher;
  • Read school notices and respond in a timely manner – regular backpack cleanups can be useful in helping students to organize their materials.

Other guidelines

  • Homework will not be assigned on weekends or during holidays.
  • Project-based assignments are designed to reinforce standards and promote collaboration and independent thinking. -These assignments shall primarily be undertaken and completed in the classroom. Some portions of projects may be assigned as homework; however, these tasks should not require significant assistance from parents or the purchase of materials.  Project-based assignments shall include clear checkpoints to monitor progress toward completion.