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General Child Health Guidelines



May NOT attend school/will be sent home

May attend/return to school


Fever of 100* or higher

Fever-free without medication for 24 hours or one full school day


3 or more watery stools in a 24-hour period, especially if the child acts or looks sick.

No diarrhea in 24 hours or one full school day
Able to tolerate regular food
No fever


2 or more times in a 24-hour period; OR If vomiting occurs at school, student will be sent home.

No vomiting for 24 hours or one full school day
Able to tolerate regular food
No fever


New Rash or signs of skin infection, especially if accompanied by a fever and/or cough

A rash is due to an allergic reaction or heat rash (not contagious)

Sore Throat

Severe sore throat and/or sore throat accompanied by other symptoms

Resolution of accompanying symptoms for 24 hours.
No fever
**After antibiotics for 24 hours if positive for strep**

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Eye redness, itching, irritation, swelling in one or both eyes Thick/purulent (white/yellow pus) Matted eyelashes

After antibiotics for 24 hours if diagnosed with conjunctivitis

Abnormal behavior

Lethargy (unusually tired, pale, and difficult to wake) Confusion

Once resolved


*Exceptions may be made, in collaboration with the school nurse, if a child presents with a chronic illness that is NOT contagious but shows one or more of the above symptoms.

Updated 7/2021


A sick child cannot learn effectively and is unable to participate in classes in a meaningful way. Keeping a sick child home prevents the spread of illness in the school community and allows the child the opportunity to rest and recover.